Non-profit Mining town Preservation Association

Indiana Non profit

Historic Landmarks Foundation

Old House Preservation

Kentucky Trust for Historic Preservation

Easement for Historic purposes

Ashland Coal- Archcoal

Balkan Activation 2006

Proposal is:

Establish non-profit Balkan Preservation Association

Establish an Preservation Easement for Balkan school


1. Our focus is protecting and preserving an endangered landmark

2. Encourage support for the Coal Industry, that has provided jobs to Coal Miners

3. Encourage Energy Independence through:

a. Public Research in production and use.

b. Governmental energy planning and pro-active research

Memorial to the:

Coal Industry in Kentucky

Coal Miners in Kentucky, especially Balkan

Establish non-profit Preservation Association

Establish non-profit Preservation Association

Starting a preservation Association

Establish non-profit Kentucky Preservation Association

Kentucky Preservation Planning

Enterprise Zone

Calfornia EZ Zone sample

UpJohn research findings

Last Update Fri, Feb 24, 2017

Send comments to David M. Thompson